Thursday, May 14, 2009

The war of the tweets

Ask any of my friends and they'll tell you I'm a little skeptical when it comes to Twitter. I'm only just beginning to come around to Yammer (Twitter's equivalent within the confines of one organisation). Until recently, I was finding the endless posts little more than an unwelcome distraction from my perpetually cluttered e-mail inbox, but I've since realised that from time to time, I do get some really useful nuggets of info from those 'yams'.

In the wider world, the UK's political parties appear to be jumping on Web 2.0's latest sensation as means of ensuring that their political messages spread at lightening - and in the case of UKIP - frightening speed. According to today's Independent, 'twitter chatter could make UKIP the main beneficiary' in the upcoming Euro elections on June 4.

And so the major parties need to ensure that their 'Twitterati' are out there tweeting their hearts out. I guess my time has come to join them - so watch out for my cyber bird-song....

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