Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hoping Ireland makes a wise choice on Thursday

Ireland has been one of the EU's major beneficiaries and economic success stories, so one would hope that this Thursday's referendum on the Lisbon Treaty (the only one being held in Europe) is not fraught with risk. However, the No camp appears to have gained in strength in recent times, spurred some would say by businessman Declan Ganley, who claims the Brussels bureaucracy needs to have its limits.

The Irish question is worrying, as it means that this Thursday the future of nearly half a billion people will be in the hands of less than 4 million Irish voters (all other Member States are ratifying the treaty through Parliamentary Assent). But we've been down this road before and in the doldrums for too long now - another set back for Europe's big (and pragmatic) push forward would be a major blow.